Andrew walking home for lunch
There was a kick-start seminar run by The Last Reformation in Hamilton. Part of the seminar was to go out on to the streets and pray for people. The training venue was two minutes walk away from my home and I was walking back home to have some lunch before heading out to pray for people.
I heard in the training how Torben Sondergaard (who founded TLR) approaches every single person that walks past him while he is kickstarting people so I thought I’d try that out.
I saw two separate ladies walking towards me and I asked them both if they had any pain at the moment. The first one I talked to didn’t so then I asked the second one. She said she had sore knees so I told her that I pray for people and God heals them, and asked whether I could pray for her. She said yes so I prayed for one of her knees then asked her to bend it. She said it was a bit better.
I said that I wanted complete healing so I said I would pray again. After the second prayer she said it was much better. Then she tried the other knee and she said that was still sore. So then I prayed a general prayer of health over her whole body and after that both her knees were a lot better.
After that I shared a short gospel message with her. She said that she had been thinking about going back to church for a while now but has been caught up in worldly ways. I wanted to talk with her more about healing and God but she had to catch her bus. She invited me around to her house to talk with her and her husband though. She just lives two minutes walk from my house and I have been around a few times to talk with them about God. Her knees are still great and her husband had pain in his knee too which I prayed for and that was also healed.
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