As a thank you gift, I gave my midwife a prayer cloth after the birth of our second baby. Written on it were Scriptures about how Jesus still heals today.
She gave it to her husband who was having headaches.
Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
My wife and I went out to find people to pray for. We approached 4 people and asked them if they had any pain in their bodies. No-one did, and 2 of them looked like they wanted to throttle us.
We try to get along to all the kickstarts we can because we know how powerful they are in teaching people the gospel, and how easy it actually is to go out on the streets and talk to strangers.
A young man living in Hamilton got in touch with me. He said he wanted deliverance.
We baptised him at a local river. When we got there, there was another group of people there too baptising a young lady.
We crammed the extra 10 people in our already busy house.
After having dinner together, I put some hot water in the bath and we baptised those who wanted to.
It was an amazing night of seeing God move.
As part of my work I have the option of working from home and choosing the hours I work
When I had a knock on the door about a baptism, it was an easy choice for me to stop working.