How do we start a new home church?
Do we gather church goers who don’t enjoy traditional church anymore or do we try to make one from new believers who have never attended church?
Or do we have a mix?
Home Church
Is God in control?
A lot of people say that God controls all that happens. They believe God has a plan for all humanity and if anything good or bad happens, then it is because God planned it.
Why do churches fail?
Why are so many people in the Western world abandoning Christianity?
To most non-believers, Christians have the reputation of being hypocritical, irrelevant and judgemental.
God has placed eternity in our hearts. God has not changed and never will.
Discipleship of Newly Baptised Believers
A few weeks ago we baptised 3 people and they received the gift of the Holy Spirit. We’ve been thinking about ways to disciple them since it happened but we had all been busy since.
God Speaks About Fasting
During the weekend I had a great chance to get to know Jordan. He is a similar age to me and he also has young kids so we were able to talk openly about a lot of things.