This is the wife’s response to the husband’s blog about the role of women in church. Some of you might read this and be set free to enjoy your role as a homemaker.
Irene’s deliverance as a Spirit-filled Christian
Then he yelled out, “Mike! April!” At first, they didn’t come, but just sat in the lounge. A few seconds later, Andrew yelled out again, “Mike! April! Come!” When they both came in, they also immediately started praying for me.
… and Finished with a Baptism
Colin was collecting up all his belongings, and leading the way to the water.
“Where are we going?” some asked.
“We are off to baptise Colin.”
Nothing was going to stop him.
Anyone can benefit from God’s Word
As a thank you gift, I gave my midwife a prayer cloth after the birth of our second baby. Written on it were Scriptures about how Jesus still heals today.
She gave it to her husband who was having headaches.
Woman Healed
I saw a woman in her mid 30’s struggling to move her legs 5 centimeters at a time. After praying for her she walked away taking full steps and did a twirl.
Repentance, Deliverance, Baptism and Infilling of Holy Spirit
It took quite a long time for the baptism of the Holy Spirit to come. It wasn’t that God was holding back but that she needed to feel she was worthy to receive the gift he had for her.