How do you disciple someone after they are born again? How often do you contact them? How much do you protect them and how do you know when they are strong enough to stand on their own?
Blog – test
The Wife’s Response
This is the wife’s response to the husband’s blog about the role of women in church. Some of you might read this and be set free to enjoy your role as a homemaker.
Who can use Spiritual Gifts? – 2 of 2
Can we work in any spiritual gift we desire?
If I am an evangelist and someone comes to me who needs deliverance, do I have to send the person to someone with the deliverance gift?
Who can use Spiritual Gifts? – 1 of 2
Are some people specially anointed or called by God or can anyone use spiritual gifts?
A lot of people believe that only certain specially ‘called’ or ‘anointed’ people can use spiritual gifts.
The Fundamental Flaw with Home Church
Traditions aren’t always easy to see or to break off. There is a hidden tradition in most home churches which is creating a fundamental flaw in their thinking and is preventing them from experiencing explosive growth like Jesus wants.
The Role of Women in Church
I’m going to do it… I’m going to tackle the role of women in church. I have no doubt that I’m going to offend some people with this blog but I’m going to go for it anyway.